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Free Merchant

No monthly fees

  • Email & Phone Support
  • N$ 2.30 3DS fee per transaction (Fraud protection)
  • 4% Card payment fee*.
  • 5% Crypto payments fee.
  • 15% Vouchers and subscriptions fee.
  • 15% Business e-commerce website.
  • Limited features.
  • All prices are VAT inclusive.
Premium Merchant

N$ 498.00 /MONTH

  • Dedicated Account Manger
  • N$ 1.15 3DS fee per transaction (Fraud protection)
  • 3.5% Card payment fee*.
  • 3.5% Crypto payment fee.
  • 12% Vouchers and subscriptions fee.
  • 12% Business e-commerce website.
  • Access to all features on merchant app & dashboard.
  • All prices are VAT inclusive.
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Are you an Accommodation provider or
Activity provider?

Howzit TravelBuddy, Your local Namibian personal travel agent and SuperApp.
We can refer clients to you as a local travel agent.

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I hereby agree that I have read, understood and agree to the content of the Supplier Agreement as provided to me and available online at and our terms at

I agree that the Terms and Conditions as set out in this Agreement may change from time to time and that I will be notified of any material changes.

All payments to my business made via the PayBuddy app and any other Buddy application will be paid into a Bank Account registered to my business.

I agree that this commission is confidential and I will not share this information with any other party.